Downline Summit for Women

Downline Summit for Women
February 19-20, 2010

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Downline Women! Get Ready! Less than One Week!

Hello Downline Women!

Less than one week away! Downline is beginning and, it is going to be a FANTASTIC year! I am excited about the bar-b-q kick-off night this coming Saturday, the 22nd. Be there at 5:30 p.m. and, we are going to have food, fun and, fellowship! I cannot WAIT to get to know each of you better!

How is your reading coming along? Please send me comments (right on this blog!) as to your favorite ‘read’ so far and, what you are learning! We would all love to see what you are gleaning from these books!

The Lord has been teaching me SO much this summer! I have been thinking and praying for each one of you. Praying that the Lord would totally WAKE YOU UP to the need and urgency of discipling women! Praying for each of you to have energy and a continued passion to be in your seats and ready to learn/absorb/study the WORD. The AWESOME and MIGHTY WORD ~ the Bible is our LIGHT and our GUIDE. The Lord is our RESCUER and our HOPE and our REFUGE! He is our end all and our be all…….He is closer than our breath every minute of every day!

I am excited! I am typing faster and faster this minute because I am wanting it to be August 24th right NOW!

I will close with a quote from Ruth Myers:

“How astonishing that this majestic, sovereign God yearns to be involved with us and longs to meet our needs! Repeatedly He reveals Himself to be our Father and Friend, our Redeemer and Rescuer, our Provider and Guide and Protector. He is bread to satisfy our hunger, water to quench our thirst. He offers to meet not only our physical and social needs, but also the deepest needs of our total natures. Now and forever. He wants to make us feel secure, valued and significant.”

Have you all heard the song by the Dave Crowder band, “Oh, How He loves us”?….amazing lyrics! Go to iTunes NOW and get it! Amazing song!

Have a blessed day!


1 comment:

  1. Sweet friend! I will pray for this ministry often- it is very dear to my heart, just like you are! I am sure that many new little "Erin's" will be inspired by your love for the Lord just like I was! I always LOVED when it was your time to speak- I felt so uplifted and encouraged by your talks! Praying for this years women!!! Love you!
